newBROOM Breaking News
Muslim Mayor Makes Majority
(London) London legally leads the willing way to more multiculturalism by becoming the primary major metropolis to make a Muslim its magnificent mayor. Sadiq Khan, not related to Genghis, Shere or Oli Khan, could compete successfully with his successless competitor Zac Goldsmith. Regardless the rumours he was a scrupulous supporter of the extremist Islamic inhabitants of the wide world, the London population paid respect to him in the public polls. Well done!
Some Summer Sunshine
(Europe) Sunny summer has already arrived delighting us with dangerously hot degrees and super sunshine over the very long weekend. After an
astonishingly unstable April, May may bring some showers but more likely leads to marvellous minutes with sensational blue skies. Where's that beautiful
bikini of yummy yours? Too fat? There can't be enough of you. But make sure you use that highly protective sun blocker you've bought!